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March 15, 2022

Q+A with Tessa Brooks

We're thrilled to launch our collection with ultimate babe Tessa Brooks! This collaboration has been months in the making and we're so excited for you to get your hands on it! We caught up with Tessa to learn a little more about how she got her start in dancing, her career advice for creators, and of course, her inspiration behind the collection! Read on to learn more about Tessa!


The Collection:

How would you describe this collection?

Elegant and unique. My main goal for the Tessa Brooks x LSPACE collab was for every piece to help you feel confident and radiant from the inside out.

What inspired you during the creative process?

It was all a dream: from picking out the color palettes and patterns, to seeing the sketches, it was amazing to see the final bikinis and dresses and how flattering they turned out.. It was all super exciting, but I think the most inspiring part is going to be seeing other people rock the collection.

What's your favorite thing about this collection?

That you can pair EVERYTHING! All the pieces can be mixed and matched and taken from day-to- One of my toxic traits is that I spill on everything so being able to have a bunch of different pieces that go together definitely helps solve that problem for me.

What does #ThatFeelGoodFit mean to you?

#ThatFeelGoodFit is however I’m feeling that day. Sometimes I feel my best in my bikini and some days I’ll wake up wanting to wear my cover ups and sneakers. All fits are feel good fits on the right day ;)


Style + Career + Life: 

How would you describe your personal style?

Ever-changing. I’ve always loved being in baggy clothes but I also feel myself while wearing summer dresses and feeling girly. I love outfits that make me feel like I’m in a different era and also outfits that make me look like an overpriced lawyer, it all depends on how I’m feeling that day.

Tell us a little about your career journey & how you got here!

I started off as a professional dancer and that will always be a passion of mine. I started my YouTube channel when I was 17 and really just put all my time and energy into that. I quickly realized how much I genuinely loved creating videos, I even loved the editing process. It made me want to be someone that younger girls/women could relate to and give whatever advice that I had to them, even though I was still growing up myself. During that time, I became very interested in fashion, makeup and just trying to figure out who I was as a person, although I think we change everyday so we’re always going to be learning more about ourselves. I feel very blessed for the opportunities I’ve had and the things I’ve worked for, and am very excited to see where things go from here. (P.S. go stream my movie “Honey Girls” on Netflix ;))

What advice do you have for aspiring creators?

    I’d say to be yourself, even though that sounds cliche. Create the type of content you love watching, and film the things you love doing. Don’t compare yourself and don’t think you have to look perfect all the time.

    Favorite place you've ever visited?

    I’d have to say South Africa. I went there with Save the Reef and Karmagawa, which are two of my favorite charities. It was just an unforgettable experience. The Bahamas came in a close 2nd though.

    What's your dream destination?

    Quite honestly I’ve never been on a romantic destination trip, so a romantic trip to Bora Bora or somewhere tropical like; that would be ideal.

    How do you see your career evolving & what goals do you have down the road?

    There’s a lot of new passions I’ve been exploring that past year that I’m excited to share with everyone soon. My career is headed in a completely different direction than it was 2 years ago so I’m excited to see what I’ll be doing a year or 2 from now. I’m also very excited to get back to my roots and Vlog regularly so I can take y’all on this journey with me.

    What’s your L? (Please see below for a description of what’s your L)

    My L is Loving yourself. This collection is all about being your own unique individual and feeling your best. I hope everyone who puts a piece on feels energized and ready to take on whatever the day or night brings.


    #LSpacexTessaBrooks is available now! 


    You can follow Tessa on IG here !

    My Bag