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October 18, 2016

No Carve Pumpkin DIY

Let’s be honest, the idea of carving a pumpkin sounds wonderful yet the reality of scraping out its mushy insides with our hands and nails doesn’t exactly put a smile on our face. This year, skip the mess and say no to stress with our no carve Flash Tattoo pumpkin DIY.

What You’ll Need:

- Pumpkin 

Flash Tattoos

- Scissors

- Sponge brush

- Water

Step 1:  Plan & Cut

 Start by cutting out the flash tattoo designs from the sheet. Once you have all the tattoos you will be using on the pumpkin, lay them out to determine the placement on your pumpkin.

 Step 2: Stick

 Remove the clear sheet & place the tattoo directly face down on the pumpkin and tap lightly with a wet sponge (just as you would do if you were applying them on your skin!)

 Step 3: Peel

 Once the tattoo begins to adhere to the pumpkin, lightly peel back the paper.

 Step 4: Repeat!

 Repeat steps 2 & 3 until your design is complete. Have fun with placement!

Other Tips & Tricks:

- Don’t forget to remove the clear plastic sheet on the tattoo before you wet the sponge & attempt to stick to the pumpkin

- Keep the dry tattoos away from the water so they don’t accidently get wet from the sponge brush

- Don’t be afraid to get creative & cut up bits and pieces of larger tattoos to make new designs

 Easiest pumpkin ever…right? Happy DIY-ing!

Don’t forget to pick up your pack of Flash Tattoos HERE. 

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