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April 28, 2021

Mother's Day Journal: What Motherhood Means

"What does motherhood mean to you?" It sounds like a simple enough question, but everyone has their own journey of knowing - or becoming - a mother figure. As a female-founded and operated company, we wanted to do something special to honor the ladies in our lives this Mother's Day. We spent a sunny SoCal afternoon with our friend, LSPACE model Ali Chanel, and her mama, grandmother and daughter Arlo. Styling 4 generations of women in LSPACE felt like the true embodiment of That Feel Good Fit, illustrating that when your clothes are effortlessly comfortable, you radiate at any stage of life.

mother and child dancing

scrapbook of mother and child

a quote graphic

women running together

It's no wonder that Ali is a natural in front of the camera - her mother Joanne is a former model herself. It's unclear if little Arlo will follow in her family's footsteps, but she certainly didn't mind being the center of attention. 

women posing with a child

woman jumping on a bed with a child

quote graphic

scrapbook with images of women

women sitting with a child

Their answers to the question were diverse. Like motherhood itself, there's no one-size-fits all experience. But it's safe to say that - however you define the role - no one juggles it all quite like the mamas out there. 


+ Follow Ali on Instagram here

+ Shop the Mother's Day Gift Guide here

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