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March 20, 2020

L*SPACE Behind The Brand: Meet Lindsey & Lisa

Who and are you and what do you do at L*SPACE?

We're Lisa and Lindsey, and we're the E-Commerce Customer Service Team! 

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Lisa: I enjoy helping people. I think that lots of people shy away from customer service jobs because it's hard dealing with people who are upset and solving problems, and I think it's an important piece of the puzzle. It makes the biggest impact. 

Lindsey: Yeah, I definitely agree with that. And I love to see the whole process from start to finish - from when an order is placed, to it being completed. 

What advice would you give to someone wanting to work in the industry?

Lindsey: Network! And get to know people in the industry.

Lisa: Yeah, definitely. And don't give up! You can still get in there even if you're older, like some of us!  

Since you're the fit experts, any tips of how to find the perfect fit?

Lisa: I'd say order your true size. We do have a fit guide, but go with your gut. We do offer free returns, so just give it a try! It can't hurt to try, and you can always return it. 

Lindsey: I would say stick to styles that you lean towards and you know you'll comfortable in. 

What's in your L*SPACE shopping cart?

Lisa: The Rebel - I have it in all the colors it's offered in, and it's the most comfortable and flattering for me. 

Lindsey: Right now, in my shopping cart I have the Serpentina print, which I love!

Favorite TV show?

Both: Friends!

Favorite movie?

Lisa: Well my favorite's North Shore. If you don't know what that better figure it out!

Lindsey: My favorite is How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days!

Bikini or one piece?

Both: Bikini!

Margarita or wine?

Both: Margarita!

Pool or ocean?

Both: Ocean!

What does That Feel Good Fit mean to you?

Lisa: Comfortable, confident. 

Lindsey: Yeah, just feeling good in your own skin. 

Lisa: And everything stays in the place it's supposed to! 


You can shop Lindsey & Lisa's style picks HERE!



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