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October 25, 2019

L*SPACE Behind The Brand: Meet Debby

Who are you and what is your role at L*SPACE?

I'm Debby Martin, and I'm our Sales Director and Retail Marketing for our wholesale division.

What does your typical workday look like?

Running around with head cut off in the morning, getting my son to school, and then I dive right into phone calls with my reps on the way in. So usually I'm always on the phone, talking to reps and sometimes there are time zone differences. I do my drive through run for my coffee, and then I come here and start meeting up with all the different departments.

How long have you been with the brand?

I've been here almost 12 years.

What is your favorite memory from working at L*SPACE?

I don't have any secrets that I could give up here, it's just gonna sound crazy!

How do you juggle working full time and being a mother?

You have to have a mindset of organization at work, and a mindset of organization at home. So it's a juggle! 

What advice would you give to someone wanting to work in the industry?

Fashion is always changing and evolving, so you kind of have to fly by the seat of your pants and just soak it all up in the beginning. 


What's your favorite swimwear trend?

The v-wire - I love the Lee Lee Top! I love that it gives you coverage and support where you need it. But then someone like me who wants to be a little more fashion-forward - I get to play in that suit and be a part of it. So I love that this trend is for everybody. 

You're known for your hashtags, care to explain what they mean?

Yes! #SlingingBikinis - it's fun, we were joking around in a meeting where I was like, "I'm just gonna be slinging you bikinis!" So it came from a really fun meeting. And then #ShakinApparel is where I'm shaking the hanger like "Look at this, don't you love it?"

What does That Feel Good Fit mean to you?

It just gives me confidence. I never used to walk around in just a bathing suit. But with all the new implementations of our swimwear, I've really been able to promote it and walk with confidence!


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