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June 05, 2019

L*SPACE Behind the Brand: Meet Alissa

What is your role at L*SPACE?

Design Director

What is your typical day like?

Most days, I'm here in the design room working on colors, prints, and working with the designers to perfect our line. Other days I might be working on a photoshoot or preparing for a buying meeting. 

What are the challenges of being a working mother?

Finding time for yourself, needing personal time, wanting to hang out with friends.


What's a bad trend in the swimwear industry right now? 

I don't believe in "bad trends," I [just] think that sometimes it takes your eye a moment to get used to the look of things!

What's your favorite fashion trend right now?

It's so hard to say, there are so many that I really love. I'm into the bucket hat trend, I really love anklets, and that's about it! 

Who is your style icon?

I don't really have a style icon, I'm more interested in times in fashion. 


Which destination has been the most inspiring to you, and why?

I love Bali! I love the people, I love the sounds, it's really fun. 

What are you listening to right now?

Well, we do a lot of dance parties at my house with all of our kids, so it's a lot of kid's music. A lot of songs about fire trucks! But besides that, I would say I always love Fleetwood Mac and George Harrison - more '70s stuff. 

Are you a one piece or two piece kind of girl?

I used to be a one piece girl until I started working here, now I'm a two piece girl for sure.

What does #ThatFeelGoodFit mean to you?

Feeling comfortable in your skin & the way you look!

You can shop Alissa's style picks here.

And watch her behind-the-scenes video on IGTV here! 

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