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August 31, 2021

Introducing: OCEAN ENERGY

L*Space is proud to release our second active collection with a color palette we call Ocean Energy.  

The natural waves of the ocean are similar to our energy levels - sometimes they are in high drive and other times they are low.  

By channeling Ocean Energy we aim to accept these highs and lows. We strive to learn how to embrace and maximize the high, active times but also to rest and fuel our bodies during the low times.   

The ocean holds everyone up - no matter how big or small you are- when you lay on your back the water hugs your curves and supports you while you float. The ocean water never gives out on you- it will support you as you float through the day.   


We want our active apparel to feel similar to the water - hugging you gently while supporting and lifting you as needed throughout the day for as long as you’re in it. 

+ Shop the collection here 

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