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April 22, 2022

How To Make Sunscreen at Home with HQ Babe Simone

Hi everyone, Simone here! For Earth Day this year, I wanted share how I make my sunscreen at home. 

My journey with making my own sunscreen started about 5+ years ago when I lived in Hawaii. With strong family roots from Maui, and my love for the ocean I began to ask my Mentor about the effects of sunscreen. Using sunscreen has a larger environmental impact on the coral reefs and is a significant problem. Since Hawaii is driven economically by tourism, the effect on using sunscreen ends up washing off snorkelers and swimmers into the water environment each year. According to the, “they have identified two chemicals found in sunscreen that cause direct harm to corals: oxybenzone and octinoxateBeyond sunscreen, these ingredients are found in lipsticks, moisturizers, and other cosmetics, and they are readily absorbed into the blood. All products containing these chemicals, not just sunscreens, should be avoided when you are near marine environments.” Therefore, being more environmental conscientious, it encouraged me to make my own sunscreen with natural ingredients and essential oils to support a better ocean life.

Now, let's get into it! 

Sunscreen Recipe

½ cup olive oil

¼ cup fractionated coconut oil

¼ cup beeswax

2 tablespoons shea butter

1 teaspoon vitamin E oil

2 tablespoons zinc oxide

12 drops helichrysum (It is very important to use a Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oil. I get mine from doterra.)


Place all ingredients except zinc oxide and helichrysum essential oil into a glass mixing bowl. Fill saucepan with 2 to 3 inches of water and turn on medium heat. Place glass bowl in saucepan and stir as ingredients melt. Remove from heat and add the helichrysum essential oil and zinc oxide. Pour into a glass jar and store in a cool place. Apply lotion to skin before sun exposure. Reapply as needed.

That's it! Super easy and supports a better ocean life.

xx Simone


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