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April 21, 2020

At Home with Katie Dunlop of Love Sweat Fitness

Get ready to get sweaty! We caught up with Katie Dunlop, the babe behind the Love Sweat Fitness community, for an at-home workout plus a little Q&A.

She took over our IG and shared her Fit & Feisty full body workout with us - missed the live? No worries, recap below!

Fit & Feisty Full Body Workout

5 Minute warm up!

- take a jog, dance it out, do whatever feels good to get your body warmed up.

Set 1

Inch Worm Push-Ups x8

Single Leg Reverse Lunge x12 + Reverse Lunge w/ Bicep Curl x12 (each side)

Clean + Press x15

Lunge Jumps x20

Set 2

Donkey Kicks with weight  x16 (each side)

Alternating Plank Rows + Push-up x10

Double Leg Lift x20

Full Burpees x12

Repeat each set x2 



Wanna learn a little more about the babe behind the brand? Get the scoop from Katie below!

Where are you from?

I’m originally from Carlsbad, CA but live in Laguna now. 

When did you know you wanted to become a fitness instructor?

After struggling with weight most of my life and eventually going through my own 45 lb weight loss and total lifestyle transformation I knew I needed to share my experience with other women. Group fitness and personal training was the first step in doing that and now I get to help inspire, empower, and motivated millions of women around the world to change their lives too!

What’s your favorite workout move?

I love a good burpee! It works your entire body building strength and burning fat in one quick move. 

What do you eat in a typical day?

A lot! I actually eat more now than I ever did when I was struggling with my weight, but now I know how to fuel my body in the right ways. 

I typically intermittent fast (I’m just not a big morning eater) and then always make sure to fill my plates with healthy fats, carbs, proteins, and veggies!

What do you love most about the LSF community?

The women!!! I didn’t really have anyone supporting me throughout my own journey and it’s incredible to see all these women, who have never met in real life, showing up every day for each other! 

What’s one random fact about you most people don’t know?

I did Polynesian dance in high school. So random, but crazy fun and the best leg workout ever!

Leggings + sneakers or dress + heels?

Leggings and sneakers all day! I mean, I love to get dressed up, but I live for a good sneaker. 

What are you binge watching right now?

The Office. My husband and I randomly started re-watching it and it makes me feel like I’m actually with people which is really good during this quarantine haha. 

Favorite travel destination?

Spain! My hubby and I go almost every year and I just love everything about it! 

What’s your “L” right now? 

My L is Light! I want to be a light to everyone around me that is struggling right now. Knowing I have this incredible community looking to me to help set the tone it’s so important that I chose joy every day so I can show up and be a light to all of them each day!


Follow Katie on IG here

And learn about her upcoming Stay Well Weekend Virtual Wellness Festival - all proceeds will go to Feeding America. 

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